Празднует возвращение снега! (Celebrating the return of snow!)

Just a short post this week….yes, the title is in Russian. I do not obsess over the Olympics, but do enjoy watching the sports of ski-jumping, hockey, speed skating, and  some Nordic events. I personally have known some  Olympians, and in this crop of athletes is a girl I had in my Brownie troop…have to root for her!

We actually had some snow arrive this week, in the form of 10 inches of light and fluffy stuff. Temps remained cool, but had moderated enough to permit some snowshoeing, skijøring and   kicksledjøring this week.


Heading down the trail…wondering what is taking me so long ( on snowshoes)


Edgar’s first time running solo with the sled..a chance to work on some basic commands, customized instruction for him…


Tried out a new XC center…cold, but a beautiful day. his centre has one long loop ( 3 trails) on which dogs are permitted. No grooming for skate skiing, only the classical track, bordered by loose, soft, snow. We usually engage in classical style, but on the wider skating tracks. That way we don’t get reprimanded for having our dogs run in the ski tracks, and we have an easier time negotiating some downhills (in other words, easier to snowplow!) But we managed nicely, and had no memorable falls, to document on “wipe-out Wednesday”.